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<div align="center">[[Image:Children have a right to lulz.jpg|"Kinder haben ein Recht auf lachen" : Children have a right to LOL]]<br/>Children have a right to LOL</div>[[Image:Abuse hand original.jpg|thumb|right|200px|'''ZOOMJ FUCK DONATE TO G-M e.V.'''<br />Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Germany<br />
<div align="center">[[File:Children have a right to lulz.jpg|"Kinder haben ein Recht auf lachen" : Children have a right to LOL]]<br/>Children have a right to LOL</div>[[File:Abuse hand original.jpg|thumb|right|200px|'''ZOOMJ FUCK DONATE TO G-M e.V.'''<br />Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Germany<br />
Creative Directors: Ralf Heuel, Patricia Pätzold, Ralf Nolting<br />
Creative Directors: Ralf Heuel, Patricia Pätzold, Ralf Nolting<br />
Art Director / Illustrator: Julia Elles<br />
Art Director / Illustrator: Julia Elles<br />
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=== Regular style ===
=== Regular style ===
Image:Abuse a 1.png|/a/ first draft
File:Abuse a 1.png|/a/ first draft
Image:Abuse a 2.png|[[/a/]]:Kyaa~ <3 *
File:Abuse a 2.png|[[/a/]]:Kyaa~ <3 *
Image:Abuse_hand_thread.png|[http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=8514960 The first proper hand thread on /a/]
File:Abuse_hand_thread.png|[http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=8514960 The first proper hand thread on /a/]
Image:Abuse godhand.png|Godhand reaction
File:Abuse godhand.png|Godhand reaction
Image:Abuse a planetes.png|/a/ Planetes
File:Abuse a planetes.png|/a/ Planetes
Image:Abuse 404.png|[[Yotsuba|404]]
File:Abuse 404.png|[[Yotsuba|404]]
Image:Abuse AIDS.jpg|[http://www.46664.com AIDS]
File:Abuse AIDS.jpg|[http://www.46664.com AIDS]
Image:Abuse anonymous 1.gif|Anonymous of Germany?
File:Abuse anonymous 1.gif|Anonymous of Germany?
Image:Abuse_anonymous_2.jpg|Anonymous of /b/
File:Abuse_anonymous_2.jpg|Anonymous of /b/
Image:Abuse b longcat.jpg|[[/b/]]
File:Abuse b longcat.jpg|[[/b/]]
Image:Abuse c.png|[[/c/]]: KAWAIII
File:Abuse c.png|[[/c/]]: KAWAIII
Image:Abuse_chris_hansen.jpg|Chris Hansen
File:Abuse_chris_hansen.jpg|Chris Hansen
Image:Abuse ck.jpg|[[/ck/]]
File:Abuse ck.jpg|[[/ck/]]
Image:Abuse_co.jpg|[[/co/]]: This is how you shoot web
File:Abuse_co.jpg|[[/co/]]: This is how you shoot web
Image:Abuse co ring.png|[[/co/]]: Ring
File:Abuse co ring.png|[[/co/]]: Ring
Image:Abuse co snikt.jpg|[[/co/]]: Wolverine
File:Abuse co snikt.jpg|[[/co/]]: Wolverine
Image:Abuse_co_5.jpg|[[/co/]]: Avatar - The Last Airbender
File:Abuse_co_5.jpg|[[/co/]]: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Image:Abuse_co_evil.jpg|[[/co/]]: evil men
File:Abuse_co_evil.jpg|[[/co/]]: evil men
Image:Abuse d.jpg|[[/d/]]: [http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=65306 Futa-Rin] [http://www.google.com/search?q=%E3%83%95%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A8%E3%83%8E%E3%82%AD%E3%83%AF%E3%83%9F o kiwami AAAAAAA]!
File:Abuse d.jpg|[[/d/]]: [http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=65306 Futa-Rin] [http://www.google.com/search?q=%E3%83%95%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A8%E3%83%8E%E3%82%AD%E3%83%AF%E3%83%9F o kiwami AAAAAAA]!
Image:Abuse d tentacles.jpg|[[/d/]]ay of the tentacles
File:Abuse d tentacles.jpg|[[/d/]]ay of the tentacles
Image:Abuse_e.png|[[/e/]]: Ecchi! Don't look~
File:Abuse_e.png|[[/e/]]: Ecchi! Don't look~
Image:Abuse hand original.jpg|[[/hr/]] Just pretend it's hueg
File:Abuse hand original.jpg|[[/hr/]] Just pretend it's hueg
Image:Jp 9.jpg|/jp/[[Touhou|⑨]]
File:Jp 9.jpg|/jp/[[Touhou|⑨]]
Image:Abuse_k.jpg|[[/k/]]: How about we donate to [http://www.nra.org these people]?
File:Abuse_k.jpg|[[/k/]]: How about we donate to [http://www.nra.org these people]?
Image:Abuse m gears.png|[[/m/]] gears
File:Abuse m gears.png|[[/m/]] gears
Image:Abuse android girls.png|[[/m/]] android girls
File:Abuse android girls.png|[[/m/]] android girls
Image:Abuse m fist.jpg|[[/m/]] fist
File:Abuse m fist.jpg|[[/m/]] fist
Image:Abuse m lagann 1.jpg|[[/m/]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann|Gurren-Lagann]] 1
File:Abuse m lagann 1.jpg|[[/m/]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann|Gurren-Lagann]] 1
Image:Abuse_kaminaclose2.jpg|[[/m/]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann|Gurren-Lagann]] 2
File:Abuse_kaminaclose2.jpg|[[/m/]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann|Gurren-Lagann]] 2
Image:Abuse_shining_hand_m.png|[[/m/]] [http://www.mahq.net/MECHA/gundam/g/gf13-017nj.htm Shining Abuse Hand]
File:Abuse_shining_hand_m.png|[[/m/]] [http://www.mahq.net/MECHA/gundam/g/gf13-017nj.htm Shining Abuse Hand]
Image:Abuse_m_naked_hand.jpg|[[/m/]]echa hand
File:Abuse_m_naked_hand.jpg|[[/m/]]echa hand
Image:Abuse_mu.jpg|[[/mu/]]: LOCK ON!
File:Abuse_mu.jpg|[[/mu/]]: LOCK ON!
Image:Abuse o.jpg|[[/o/]]
File:Abuse o.jpg|[[/o/]]
Image:Abuse_po_1.jpg|[[/po/]] 1
File:Abuse_po_1.jpg|[[/po/]] 1
Image:Abuse po 2 b.png|[[/po/]] 2
File:Abuse po 2 b.png|[[/po/]] 2
Image:Abuse r please sir.jpg|[[/r/]]: Please sir, may I have some sauce/moar?
File:Abuse r please sir.jpg|[[/r/]]: Please sir, may I have some sauce/moar?
Image:Abuse r rejected.jpg|[[/r/]]ejected!
File:Abuse r rejected.jpg|[[/r/]]ejected!
Image:Abuse_tg_pawn.jpg|[[/tg/]] pawn
File:Abuse_tg_pawn.jpg|[[/tg/]] pawn
Image:Abuse_tg_d20.jpg|[[/tg/]] d20
File:Abuse_tg_d20.jpg|[[/tg/]] d20
Image:Abuse_tv_Hitchcock.jpg|[[/tv/]] Hitchcock
File:Abuse_tv_Hitchcock.jpg|[[/tv/]] Hitchcock
Image:Abuse_tv.jpg|[[/tv/]] hand
File:Abuse_tv.jpg|[[/tv/]] hand
Image:Abuse u.png|[[/u/]] 1
File:Abuse u.png|[[/u/]] 1
Image:Abuse_u2.jpg|[[/u/]] 2
File:Abuse_u2.jpg|[[/u/]] 2
Image:Abuse v.jpg|[[/v/]] PS2
File:Abuse v.jpg|[[/v/]] PS2
Image:Abuse_v_mote.jpg|[[/v/]] Wii
File:Abuse_v_mote.jpg|[[/v/]] Wii
Image:Abuse_work_v.png|[[/v/]] Crowbars up!  
File:Abuse_work_v.png|[[/v/]] Crowbars up!  
Image:Abuse when I was.png|When I was<br />A young boy<br />My father<br/>Took me into the city<br />To be abused by the 300 000 man march
File:Abuse when I was.png|When I was<br />A young boy<br />My father<br/>Took me into the city<br />To be abused by the 300 000 man march
Image:Abuse x.jpg|[[/x/]]
File:Abuse x.jpg|[[/x/]]
Image:Abuse xbrix.jpg|bri[[/x/]]
File:Abuse xbrix.jpg|bri[[/x/]]
Image:Abuse ring.jpg|One does not simply put ones' fingers into Mordor
File:Abuse ring.jpg|One does not simply put ones' fingers into Mordor
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Note that /a/ likes their girls to have feminine features.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Note that /a/ likes their girls to have feminine features.
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=== Full color ===
=== Full color ===
Image:Abuse_flag_1.png|[[Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann#Union Flagann|Union Flag]]
File:Abuse_flag_1.png|[[Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann#Union Flagann|Union Flag]]
Image:Abuse_yuki.jpg|[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya|Yuki]]
File:Abuse_yuki.jpg|[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya|Yuki]]

Latest revision as of 00:15, 1 April 2022

"Kinder haben ein Recht auf lachen" : Children have a right to LOL
Children have a right to LOL
Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Germany
Creative Directors: Ralf Heuel, Patricia Pätzold, Ralf Nolting
Art Director / Illustrator: Julia Elles
Copywriter: Laura Müller-Rossbach

Abuse hand (Gegen Missbrauch: Hand, Against abuse: Hand) is an advertisement for Verein für Betroffene, Partner und Gegner von sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch[1], against the sexual abuse of children[2][3][4]. Some of the inhabitants of /a/, although being against the sexualisation of real little 3D people, found this 2D drawing to be relevant to their interests (if you know what I mean), and found it to be a terrible ad if the intent was to discourage this kind of thing happening for real.

The original caption says:

More than 300,000 children are sexually abused in Germany every year.
Donate online at: www.gegen-missbrauch.de │ against abuse Inc.


Regular style

*Note that /a/ likes their girls to have feminine features.

Full color

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