General Info
- Alias: RedLetterDay
- Age: 20
- Location: Virginia
RedLetterDay had posted a photoset in 4chan for two days in a row, and one of the commenters suggested he post on CHANCHAN. He did and was promptly shot down.
Regardless of his sexual appeal to homosexuals on /mg/, RedLetterDay became a global mod on CHANCHAN very quickly and did his job extremely well. A large majority of events that took place on CHANCHAN would not have happened without RLD's input.
After a series of horrible relationships he took a vow of celibacy in September 2006 with very strict rules known as "52". This was a pretty dumb idea because no real man can stay celibate for 52 weeks. "52" crashed the end of the very month when he got a monster crush on a whore.
Sadly, his new relationship ruined him and forced him to leave CHANCHAN due to the whore he was with and the drama that came with her. In the end he managed to push through it and be free from her, after about a year, and come back to CHANCHAN.