Auto-flash AMD/ATI video card firmware
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This page contains a PHP script for auto-flashing an AMD (ATI) video card's (GPU) firmware using a simple command line through Linux:
<?php //created by ugtarmas //if this is useful, donate to LRv8b23mQSZah7bg16n7tjT5RVDnZtMi4Z //you must download atiflash from and put into /usr/local/bin/ dir //or try your luck here: //usage: //php flash.php /path/to/bios.rom 035 //this will flash /path/to/bios.rom gpu 0, 3 and 5. $path_to_rom = $argv[1]; $gpu_count = $argv[2]; $gpu_array = str_split($gpu_count); foreach($gpu_array as $gpu){ if(is_numeric($gpu)){ $gpus[] = $gpu; } } $gpu_string = implode(",",$gpus); $count = count($gpus); if($count < 1){ exit ("\nyou need to specify the gpus that you want to flash\n\n"); } if(!file_exists($path_to_rom)){ exit("\nthe file $path_to_rom does not exist\n\n"); } echo "\nattempting to flash $path_to_rom to gpus $gpu_string:\n\n"; foreach($gpus as $gpu){ `atiflash -s $gpu /tmp/flash_$gpu.rom`; echo "backed up gpu $gpu bios to /tmp/flash_$gpu.rom...\n"; `atiflash -unlockrom $gpu`; echo "unlocked rom on gpu $gpu, flashing bios...\n"; while(true){ `atiflash -f -p $gpu $path_to_rom > /tmp/flash_$gpu`; $result = file_get_contents("/tmp/flash_$gpu"); if(eregi("Restart",$result)) { echo " done flashing gpu $gpu\n"; break;} echo "|"; } } echo "You may now save any flash_* backups from /tmp, because anything in /tmp gets deleted upon reboot.\n" ?>