Lawless fuckhole

On February 1, 2009 at 4:35 GMT, the chanchan IRC channel became a lawless fuckhole after King_John removed ops from everyone in the channel, himself included. After that, it was business as usual, as nobody really gave a shit. There was a general sense of confusion for a while, as some former ops (read: J-kun and Pooru) seemingly refused to believe in their newly endowed powerlessness.
It has also been described as a "neutral meeting plateau."
What happened
The following are the events that took place, sans insignificant shit:
- King_John removes channel operator status from badfish belair J-kun nd nynnie Pooru
- King_John removes channel operator status from xfu
- King_John removes voice from badfish Beo DocHolliday Pooru Princess-kun
- King_John sets mode -n #chanchan
- King_John sets mode -t #chanchan
<King_John> so, when i disconnect
<King_John> no one will ever have ops again
- King_John removes exempt on belair!*@*
- King_John removes exempt on king_john!*@*
- King_John removes exempt on nd!*@*
- King_John sets mode -n #chanchan
- King_John sets mode -t #chanchan
- King_John sets mode +t #chanchan
<King_John> ok
<King_John> that's it for now
<belair> this channel is becoming a lawless fuckhole.
<J-kun> -k NotSoVibrant fuck you
<NotSoVibrant> no
<DocHolliday> what happened to all the ops and whatnot
<badfish> what?
<badfish> nothing
<DocHolliday> maybe my client is malfunctioning
<badfish> must be
<nynnie> possibly
<DocHolliday> liars
<Pooru> -k Psyphore
<Pooru> fuuuuuck
Homies Who Disagree
yo sign here if you disagree w/ these actions
- Richard Simmons
- nd
- nd's mother
- nobody else
- Anonymous Stalker
On March 28, 2009 at 04:46 GMT, ops were restored. Richard Simmons, nd, and nd's mother were ecstatic.
Editor's Note
On a related note, -kb Sideburns is just as fun as -kb omnom ever was, since it is, effectively, the same thing.