From lurkmore wiki
You can communicate with us directly and securely through our ticket system.
- Include direct URLs (links) to the threads and/or posts containing your media.
- If you are requesting removal of your media, attach a verisign/verihand or some form of ID.
- If you are requesting to be added to the DNP list, include the names/usernames you'd like displayed.
- Using false contact information will ensure your request is ignored.
- If you threaten us, your requests will be ignored.
- If you contact our ISP or attempt to bypass our administration in any way, we will make your messages public for all to view (as does Google does when you send them DMCA notices). Idiotic attempts to bypass our administration just add extra steps for us. It does not resolve your issue faster, it does not get you anything other than your messages posted publicly.
Personal communications are otherwise never shared—hundreds of camwhores just like you can attest to that, though you'll never know because their communications weren't shared.