Gendo Ikari

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Gendo Ikari is a character from the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. He is the father of Shinji. As the head of NERV, he is normally found with a uncaring expression on his face, which is amplified by his reflective glasses and steepled hands over his mouth (the pose was originally created to save time and money when drawing him, but that became his signature pose).

During the first forced anon period, someone posted a mange scan that he had shopped with Gendo arms and glasses, as well as eyebrows. Shortly afterwards, a set of just arms and glasses was posted; a perfect template for a new meme. A rush of 300+ Gendo shops appeared in that first thread on /b/.

Gendo has taken on the nickname Evil Ambassador. The name spawned from an Anonymous poster asking for the arm and glasses from the Gendo meme, but not knowing what the meme was called and so he named it "Evil Ambassador". /b/ found the name amusing and started to refer to Gendo as Evil Ambassador, though I'm sure most Anonymous only know him by Evil Ambassador, these days.

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