King_John is your master, the owner of chanchan, and your future.
King_John started using IRC back in 1997 when computers were awesome. He took on the nickname King_John for a few reasons. (1) Universal_Master wouldn't fit on IRC (2) He has a gigantic ego (rightfully so) (3) Master_John could be much more easily made fun of. At some point in early 2000 he gave himself the secondary nickname kyrio.
King_John started out on #team_ea. After a few years he registered #team. The channel still stands with the original registration date in the topic no longer exists because ETG is dead.
King_John happened upon #excell, while looking for warez and laughs. There he met Ka|n, cys, and other important internet people. These are the people he would know for the next 10 years.
While on newnet he met nanaki who happened to have his own channel, #nanaki. After newnet started going downhill (a lot of the reason for the decline being King_John and his friends from #excell) #nanaki changed networks. The network was operated by another close friend, this is where King_John made #chanchan to go with chanchan.
To this day, King_John has moved #chanchan multiple times through 4 networks, mostly back and forth between two of them.
King_John still has an 8 digit ICQ number (from 1997), though he would love to get a 6 digit one.
King_John holds the record for best score on Gridgame.
Modding and Overclocking
Important People
- in no specific order
Important Dates
- 2008: April 27th
- 2009: April 19th
- 2010: April 4th (same)
- 2011: April 24th (same)
- 2012: April 15th
- 2013: May 5th
- 2014: April 20th (same)
- 2015: April 12th
- 2016: May 1st
- 2017: April 16th (same)
- 2018: April 8th
- 2019: April 28th
- 2020: April 19th
- 2021: May 2nd
- 2022: April 24th
- 2023: April 16th
Contact Info
- IRC: #lurkmore
- AIM: yzzzyy
External Links
A very high score for Gridgame
Best score ever recorded for Gridgame
I wish I was this cool
Greece is best